
Seeeduino Stalker

Seeeduino Stalker is a feature rich Arduino compatible Wireless Sensor Network node with Data logger functionality. Its modular structure and onboard peripherals makes it convenient to log time stamped sensor data on a periodic basis. Seeeduino Stalker comes with a Temperature sensor, RTC with backup power, SD Card Socket, Bee Socket and Solar LiPoimer Ion Battery Charger. The Seeeduino Stalker is a good candidate for all your tracking, monitoring and control projects.

Please note that the current (and also the latest) version of is Seeeduino-Stalker v3.

Clicking on the images below will take you to the documentation for the corresponding version.

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
Seeeduino Stalker v1.0Seeeduino Stalker v2.0Seeeduino Stalker v2.1Seeeduino Stalker v2.2Seeeduino Stalker v2.3Seeeduino-Stalker v3

Comparison between various versions of Seeeduino Stalker

Parameter v1.0 v2.0 v2.1 v2.2 v2.3 v3 Remarks
**Product Release Date** **23rd Dec 2009** **17th Dec 2010** **3rd Oct 2011** **27th Dec 2011** **29th Dec 2011** **6th Jun 2014**
**Production Status** **Discontinued** **Discontinued** **Discontinued** **Discontinued** **In Production** **In Production**
**User LED & Switch**
User LED PB5 (Arduino Pin 13) PB0 (Arduino Pin 8) PB0 (Arduino Pin 8) PB5 (Arduino Pin 13) PB5 (Arduino Pin 13) PB0 (Arduino Pin 13)
User Switch PB4 (Arduino Pin 12) Not Present Not Present Not Present Not Present Not Present
**Arduino Compatibility**
Physically compatible with Arduino pinout Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Compatible with Diecimila/Duemilanove/UNO
Software compatible with Arduino Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bootloader preloaded
Atmega168 variant Available Yes No No No No No
Atmega328 variant Available No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
AVRISP 6 Pin header present Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FT232RL & USB Connector Present No No No No No No In both version "UartSBee V3.1" or **V4.0** must be brought seperately and used for program downloading using Arduino IDE. A connector to mate to UartSBee is present on both versions. Microcontroller reset will automatically be controlled by DTR. ****
Standalone Operation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Operation as a shield for Arduino/Seeeduino Yes No No No No No
Can be stacked further in shield mode? Yes N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Using I2C Interface
**Real Time Clock**
Chip DS1307 RX8025 DS3231 DS3231 DS3231 DS1337
Onboard backup power source CR2032 Coin Cell Super Capacitor CR2032 Coin Cell CR2032 Coin Cell CR2032 Coin Cell CR1220 Coin Cell
Interface I2C I2C I2C I2C I2C I2C
**I2C Interface**
Connector for direct connection to PC4 and PC5 (ie SCL and SDA) of the microcontroller Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Onboard level translation for connecting to 5.0 volt devices while microcontroller operates in 3.3v mode Yes (using PCA9306) Yes (using N channel enhancement MOSFET) Yes (using N channel enhancement MOSFET) Yes (using N channel enhancement MOSFET) Yes (using N channel enhancement MOSFET) Yes (using N channel enhancement MOSFET)
**Power Supply**
From DC Supply Yes (5-12V DC) Yes (connect to Solar Cell Connector, but apply 5.0 Volts only) Yes (connect to Solar Cell Connector, but apply 5.0 Volts only) Yes (connect to Solar Cell Connector, but apply 5.0 Volts only) Yes (connect to Solar Cell Connector, but apply 5.0 Volts only) Yes (connect to Solar Cell Connector, but apply 5.0 Volts only)
From USB Yes (when used with UartSBee V3.1) Yes (when used with UartSBee V3.1) Yes (when used with UartSBee V4.0 or FTDI Cable) Yes (when used with UartSBee V4.0 or FTDI Cable) Yes (when used with UartSBee V4.0 or FTDI Cable) Yes (when used with UartSBee V4.0 or FTDI Cable)
From Solar Panel No Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present)
From Lithium Polymer Battery No Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present) Yes (Seperate Connector Present)
Battery voltage measurement No Yes (Jumper for connecting to ADC7) Yes (Jumper for connecting to ADC7) Yes (Jumper for connecting to ADC7) Yes (Jumper for connecting to ADC7) Yes (Battery voltage connecting to ADC7)
Battery Charging? No Yes (Through solar cell, Managed by CN3063 Chip) Yes (Through solar cell, Managed by CN3063 Chip) Yes (Through solar cell, Managed by CN3063 Chip) Yes (Through solar cell, Managed by CN3063 Chip) Yes (Through solar cell, Managed by CN3065 Chip)
Battery Charging Status Read? No Yes (Digital Pin 6&7) Yes (Digital Pin 6&7) Yes (ADC6) Yes (ADC6) Yes (ADC6)

Tech Support

Please submit any technical issue into our [forum](https://forum.seeedstudio.com/).

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